jeudi 17 octobre 2013

mercredi 16 octobre 2013

lundi 14 octobre 2013

C# / Console / Cryptage et décryptage RSA

Thanks to the following article writer from which I took the code to paste it in a console C# application under SharpDevelop 4.3.3.

 * Created by SharpDevelop.
 * User: 0r4cl3D1gg4
 * Date: 14/10/2013
 * Time: 20:31
 * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace CSharpRsaTest
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            RSAParameters PublicKeyInfo;
            RSAParameters PrivateKeyInfo;
            byte[] EncryptedByte;
            byte[] DecryptedByte;

            /* Initialize RSA and Get Private and Public KeyInfo in paramters */
            RSACryptoServiceProvider Rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            Rsa.KeySize = 1024;
            /* Generating Info that Contain Public Key Info and Private Key Info*/
            PublicKeyInfo = Rsa.ExportParameters(false);
            PrivateKeyInfo = Rsa.ExportParameters(true);
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            /* Encrypt Data using Public Key Info */
            UnicodeEncoding ue = new UnicodeEncoding();
            String strStringToEncrypt="This blog is cool";
            Console.WriteLine("String to encrypt = " + strStringToEncrypt);
            Console.WriteLine("Length of string to encrypt = " + strStringToEncrypt.Length.ToString());
            byte[] DataToEncrypt = ue.GetBytes(strStringToEncrypt);
            EncryptedByte = rsa.Encrypt(DataToEncrypt, false);

            /* Show Encrypted Data into Text Box */
            String strEncryptedByte = ue.GetString(EncryptedByte);
            Console.WriteLine("Length of encrypted byte array = " + EncryptedByte.GetLength(0));
            for (int i=0;i<EncryptedByte.GetLength(0);i++){
                if (i<EncryptedByte.GetLength(0)-1){
            Console.WriteLine("Content of encrypted byte array = ");

            rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            ue = new UnicodeEncoding();

            /* Decrypt Data and Show in Same TextBox */
            DecryptedByte  = rsa.Decrypt(EncryptedByte, false);

            /* Show Decrypted Data into TextBox */
            Console.WriteLine("Decrypted text = " + ue.GetString(DecryptedByte));
            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

samedi 7 septembre 2013

(Oracle AIA) Veille technologique : "Infor’s Challenges: Is the glass half-full or half-empty?"

"Both are always harder than they seem to be.  The trick for Infor is to avoid the mistakes that Infor CEO Charles Phillips’ former company, Oracle, made with its Application Integration Architecture (AIA). Faced with a similar problem – the need to provide business process and technology innovation spanning multiple product lines –  Oracle came up with an extremely top-heavy, master-data centric approach that required customers to build and maintain a canonical data model, inside AIA, that would make AIA the hub of process and application integration. "

(Oracle AIA) Veille technologique : "The Customer Comes Second…..Oracle’s Engineered for Investors Software Stack"

"Four (or five, depending on how you count it) main product lines, each with its own code base. And literally dozens of other products, acquired with the goal of improving shareholder value, most of which also came with their own proprietary software or data models. Hundreds of business processes, many overlapping and redundant from one product to the next. And a big, hairy-chested middleware “suite” – Fusion Middleware – that is itself a conglomeration of technologies – a little Java here, some BEA and BPEL there, some MDM, some analytics , some DBMS technology, the more the merrier, all jammed into a one-size-fits-no-one morass of integration options. To simplify things, they also have an integration system called AIA that is used infrequently for the very reason that it’s an expensive, complex, technically challenging, and hard to cost-justify Tower of Babel erected to a false deity, the Oracle integrated software stack."

dimanche 23 juin 2013

Installation Metasploit sur Oracle Linux 5.5

[root@soabpm-vm tmp]# wget

[root@soabpm-vm tmp]# chmod 777

[root@soabpm-vm tmp]# ./               

vendredi 21 juin 2013

Android (Xperia Tipo Dual) / SMS Backup + / Problèmes résolus

Le développeur de SMS Backup + a résolu les problèmes sur l'application qui désormais fonctionne à merveille.

jeudi 2 mai 2013

Android / SMS Backup + / Problème IMAP Gmail

J'ai eu droit à un joli message d'erreur IMAP Gmail en voulant synchroniser mes SMS avec mon compte Google.

Voici la solution que j'ai trouvé.

1- Télécharger et installer "NQ Android Booster"

2- Sur la page "Optimize", cliquer sur "Optimize" => Cela provoque l'arrêt de toutes les applications inutiles en cours d'exécution sur le système Android

3- Sur la page "More Tools", cliquer sur "App Manager"

4- Cliquer sur "SMS Backup +" puis sur "View Details"

5- Cliquer sur "Forcer l'Arrêt"

6- Cliquer sur "Effacer les données"

7- Quitter l'application "NQ Android Booster"

8- Relancer "SMS Backup +"

9- Relancer la synchronisation de vos SMS !!!!!